Introduced in version 13
VAT Audit Report shows the amount details of each item from the Purchase and Sales invoices for specified time period.
You need to add the VAT Accounts in the South Africa VAT Settings for which you want to generate the report.
Check the following to make sure the calculations in the report are correct,
Zero Rated items have "Is Zero Rated" checkbox checked in the item master.
All VAT accounts are selected in South Africa VAT Settings.
Currently, this report only maps invoice data.
Introduced Revisionsin version 13
Introduced Revisionsin version 13
VAT Audit Report shows the amount details of each item from the Purchase and Sales invoices for specified time period.
You need to add the VAT Accounts in the South Africa VAT Settings for which you want to generate the report.
Check the following to make sure the calculations in the report are correct,
Zero Rated items have "Is Zero Rated" checkbox checked in the item master.
All VAT accounts are selected in South Africa VAT Settings.
Currently, this report only maps invoice data.