Fetching data from a linked master
Question: How to add terms and conditions in driver form?
1. Go to the doctype where you want the to add the terms and conditions.
2. Go to Menu > Customize
1. You will see a table with a list of fields. These are the fields in your driver page.
2. Scroll down to the section/field after which you want to add terms and conditions.
3. Click on the small icon on the right side. This will expand the selected field.
4. You can add a new field above on below by clicking on Insert Above/Below.
5. Add a new field as show below:
For more details on adding a custom link field, refer this link.
6. Add a second field below this:
How does this work? In Fetch from, we are adding the following details: doctype.field. In the Terms and Conditions doctype, the field where we add the terms is named terms and it is of type: Text Editor. For fetch fromto work, the data must be in the following format: link_field_name.field_to_fetch
7. Once this is done, click on Update, and go back to your list. Click on Ctrl + Shift + R to reload.
8. When you select the terms template in the driver, the system will fetch the conditions from the selected template: