fairlogin is an GDPR aware oAuth provider by fairkom.eu.

To setup fairlogin as an oAuth provider, go to:

Home > Integrations > Social Login Key

Setup keycloak

fairlogin is based on keycloak, so the parameters may be similar for any custom oAuth setting facilitating keycloak.

There you add a new client, select open-id as client protocol and enter the address of your ERPnext instance as the Root, Redirect and Base URL.

Adding your ERNext service as a client is being offered as a service by fairkom.

ERPnext keycloak Settings

Setup fairlogin

To enable fairlogin as an ERPNext login option, you need to configure the following parameters:

  • Base URL https://id.fairkom.net/auth/realms/fairlogin/
  • Authorize URL https://id.fairkom.net/auth/realms/fairlogin/protocol/openid-connect/auth
  • Redirect URL /api/method/frappe.integrations.oauth2logins.loginvia_fairlogin
  • Access Token URL https://id.fairkom.net/auth/realms/fairlogin/protocol/openid-connect/token
  • API Endpoint https://id.fairkom.net/auth/realms/fairlogin/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo

ERPnext fairlogin Settings

On enabling service, the system will allow to login with any fairlogin account.

The default role of a new user is Blogger (currently hardcoded).

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